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City of Alton - Committee of the Whole Meeting on Jun 24, 2024

June 24, 2024 | 483 views

The public forum was opened, allowing each speaker five minutes to address city business. Mike Drake discussed planning commission recommendations, focusing on a text amendment and a special use permit for the Salvation Army's Hope House. He urged the council to vote down the positive recommendation for the text amendment and approve the negative recommendation for the special use permit.

The council moved on to audit accounts, with a discussion on the use of ARPA funds, confirming that $78,592.87 allocated for road improvements was permissible under the General Government Services amendment.

A resolution to amend the city code to expand the acceptable area for residency for city employees was laid over for further discussion, pending clarification of recent changes.

The council approved a resolution to honor Reverend Thomas Wright with a street sign at the corner of 5th Street and Marquette, and declared certain city-owned property as surplus for sale, including a 2001 Grand Mare chipper and various commercial mowers and bucket trucks.

A resolution was passed to place 'No Parking' signs on Golf Road to prevent semi-truck parking issues.

The council discussed an ordinance to establish a process for evaluating brick streets uncovered during road maintenance, allowing for consideration of preserving historical brick streets in good condition.

Additional topics included the status of the new Holiday Inn, union labor concerns at the ultra development site, increased dumping issues, and the completion of beautification projects.

The meeting concluded with a motion to adjourn, noting the opening of My Just Desserts under new ownership as a positive development for the city.


200 W. Third Street | Alton, IL 62002
Suite 200