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Letter to the Editor:

This past Friday I received a phone call from Congresswoman Mary Miller, who just made her second trip to the southern border to see the situation with her own eyes.

Kurt PrenzlerShe told me, “There are 10 million illegal migrants already in Texas and Arizona. It’s an invasion. It’s estimated that 70 percent are men of military age. In some areas, cartels control both sides of the border.”

For more information, I would refer readers to her Twitter/X account: @RepMaryMiller.

She recommended that local government officials make clear public statements that they don’t have money in their budgets, can’t provide services, and therefore it’s irresponsible to send buses full of migrants to their communities.

In 1985, Chicago declared itself a “sanctuary city” for illegal aliens, which means that all city officials are prohibited from helping federal immigration agents. The State of Illinois adopted similar policies in 2017.

More than 30,000 have arrived in Chicago since August of 2022. It’s hard to find the numbers, but Google says Chicago spent $138 million for migrants in 2023 and the State of Illinois has spent upwards of $500 million.

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On Sept. 26 I sent an email to Gov. Pritzker, asking him to keep Madison County informed. I have received no response.

To get information, I have called many officials in the Chicago area – both counties and suburbs. They describe large white buses arriving – unscheduled – at suburban commuter stations. Migrants quickly board trains with the goal to reach the “landing zone” in downtown Chicago, where they receive “benefits.” They confirm that more than half of the migrants appear to be men of military age.

Most Chicago suburbs have recently called special meetings to pass ordinances against un-scheduled bus stops.

On Jan. 5, I joined county board members Paul Nicolussi (R-Collinsville) and Mike Turner (R-Godfrey) recommending that the county pass a resolution.

This morning I spoke with McLean County board member Chuck Erickson. I agree with his resolution, which his board defeated 13 to 7 last week. It essentially said: “We’re not anti-immigrant, but we are pro-rule of law. We don’t have the resources, and we don’t want to raise taxes for migrants.”

Counties and local government have never been in this situation. The Biden administration has left the southern border essentially open. This is unprecedented, and unsustainable.

I appreciate Rep. Miller’s phone call. It’s a difficult issue, and local government is being forced to address it.

Kurt Prenzler

Madison County Board Chairman

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