EDWARDSVILLE - The Madison County Central Committee overwhelmingly passed a resolution last week that denounced anonymous mailers. The resolution read, in part, “….disclaimer laws (which are in effect in all 50 states), are intended to foster transparency and accountability in the political process and provide voters with accurate and useful information about who is behind the political advertising…”

Ray WesleyRay Wesley, the Madison County Republican Chairman, is echoing the Central Committee’s resolution, and urging Republican voters to beware of some of the campaign materials they may be receiving.

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“It is at the core of the Republican ethos to promote accountable, lawful elections,” said Wesley. “Therefore it is very concerning that there have been some reported instances recently where anonymous mailings have been sent to Republican voters in support of (or attacking) certain Republican primary candidates, with no group or person taking responsibility for the claims they contain.”

“Obviously, such mailings are unethical and illegal,” continued the GOP Chairman. “Republican primary voters deserve better than strange and troubling anonymous mail showing up at their door, slinging mud at fellow Republicans without taking responsibility. I call upon any candidate whose candidacy is assisted by such anonymous mailings to condemn them also. Anonymous mailers destroy the fundamental honesty that must mark our intra-party disputes, so that once the primary election is finished, we can come together and take the fight where it belongs: ensuring Republican victories in the general election.”

“Illinois State Law requires a disclaimer and a return address on all communication,” continued Wesley. “Our Central Committee is taking a strong stand that the law is the law and everyone should abide by it and not hide behind anonymous fake news communications.”

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A copy of the complete resolution is below:

Whereas the Illinois Election Code, 10 ILCS 5/9-9.5 states the following:

“Any political committee, organized under the Election Code, that makes an expenditure for a pamphlet, circular, handbill, internet or telephone communication, radio, television, or print advertisement, or other communication directed at voters in the next upcoming election shall ensure that the name of the political committee paying for any part of the communication, including, but no limited to, its preparation and distribution, is identified clearly with the communication as the payor.”

And whereas, the purpose of disclaimer laws (which are in effect in all 50 states), are intended to foster transparency and accountability in the political process and provide voters with accurate and useful information about who is behind the political advertising they see or hear.


The Madison County Republican Central Committee hereby denounces any mailings or communication done without a disclaimer. Any future campaign communications being made without disclaimer shall be the subject of the Chairman of the Madison County Central Committee issuing a press release denouncing such communication. Additionally, the Madison County Central Committee Chairman is instructed to issue a press release immediately advising voters to be wary of any such mailings.

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