ALTON - On Monday morning, May 13, 2024, Pride, Incorporated was out at the Alton Police Station to clean up the landscaping and beautify the building.

The nonprofit often undertakes beautification projects around Alton, but this was their first time working with the Alton Police Department in this capacity. Pat Stewart, president of the organization, explained that it’s important to them to make sure the police station looks nice and attracts people to the community.

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“We are all about beautification, and this is just atrocious,” Stewart said of the current landscaping. “They work so hard. So we just decided to put in a few hours and come down here and see if we could help.”

Pride, Inc. members tore up old landscaping, pulled weeds and trimmed bushes. A few volunteers stopped by Market Basket to purchase flowers and bushes to plant around the outside of the building. Several police officers also took the time on their day off to help out.

For Pat Kimbro, a 20-year member of Pride, Inc., the beautification project was all about caring for the community. She explained that the police station welcomes people to the city, and it’s crucial to make sure the area looks as nice as possible.

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“It’s very important,” Kimbro said. “We drive by this every day, thousands of people, and this is what they see. So we just need to keep it clean and picked up.”

Stewart noted that she was proud to see so many people come out to help at the police station. She said that Pride, Inc. is about the people who come together to make Alton beautiful, and she is impressed by the work of all the volunteers who want to make a difference.

“It never ceases to amaze me, just the camaraderie,” she added. “It’s about loving where you live and taking pride in the community. For Pride to be involved in this was really special.”

For more information about Pride, Incorporated, including how to get involved, visit their official website at

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