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Our Daily Show! Ft: Anne Montgomery, Denise Sparks, and More!

May 16, 2024 | 524 views

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On this Thursday morning in the Heart of the Riverbend... we are kicking things off with Author Anne Montgomery! Anne is joining us again on the show to bring us the latest from her brand-new book: "Your Forgotten Sons"! The book centers around Bud Richardville being inducted into the Army as the United States prepares for the invasion of Europe in 1943. A chance comment has Bud assigned to the Graves Registration Service where his unit is tasked with locating, identifying, and burying the dead. Bud ships out, leaving behind his new wife, Lorraine, a mysterious woman who has stolen his heart but whose secretive nature and shadowy past leave many unanswered questions. She will fill us in on how the book came about, and when/where we can get a copy! At 10:30 we are celebrating 31 years of SPARKS JUNK REMOVAL & HAULING! Denise will join us in the studio and reflect on her 3 decades in business, and how she continues to grow!


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